At Coaching for Healthcare, we help Healthcare professionals take their life and career to the next level.

Coaching for Healthcare is the right choice for you.

Gail Carmody

Gail Carmody

As the Director, I bring many years’ experience in the Healthcare industry to coaching ranging from Senior Nursing and Executive Management roles predominately in the hospital sector. Also, I have experience as a Health Consultant in Australia, New Zealand, South East Asia and UAE. This vast experience has given me the opportunity to be fully abreast with the issues that impact most Health professionals.  

My professional experience is underpinned with Credentialing and Certification in Coaching and NLP. In addition, I also hold the following degrees MBA MM RN.


Individual Session

This allows you to choose to start and stop sessions as suits your schedule.

Sessions are paid as you go.

Follow up calls and SMS contact to suit your schedule and need.

Access to some of the content from CFH library.

Life Package

Eight 1-hour 1:1 life coaching sessions

Unlimited support through:

  • SMS

  • Email

  • Ebooks

  • Value added resources and extra information sheets

Access to CFH library of content

Timeframe for return communication is 24 hours

Offer guarantee is to work with you until personal or career goals are achieved

Business Package

Unlimited 1:1 sessions on demand by client

Unlimited support through:

  • SMS

  • Email

  • Ebooks

  • Value added resources and extra information sheets

Professional business coaching/advice

Work on a strategic business plan

Develop a business framework

Offer guarantee is to work with you until personal, career, or business goals are achieved

What Health Professionals Are Saying

“Coaching for Healthcare was a fantastic experience that I highly recommend. Gail provided the right mix of compassion and encouragement for me to make necessary changes and to learn and grow. I initially started coaching to improve my confidence with interviews. I feel that I have improved confidence in this area but also across several areas of my life, in career and personal life. Coaching helped me gain clarity regarding my long term goals (personal and professional) and helped me cultivate habits that are supportive of those goals.”

General Practitioner, Melbourne VIC


“I lacked clarity around why I used procrastination as an avoidance mechanism and never seemed to get anything finished or accomplished in my personal life as a Nurse. 

I found coaching with Coaching for Healthcare gave me the ability to create new insights which enabled me to find peace with myself and in certain areas of my life. I really appreciated you sharing your different perspectives and encouraged me to see things from a different perspective. I would highly recommend Coaching for Healthcare.”

S Piper
RN, Adelaide SA

"As medical professionals we are supposed to diagnose and treat disease. But many young doctors - myself included - are amateurs when it comes to professional staples such as self promotion, self advocacy, job applications, interviews, finances, and general life skills. Whether you like it or not, these soft skills often determine the course of your career far more than your technical knowledge and abilities. For this reason, it makes a lot of sense to have someone like Gail, who understands this way of looking at the world, in your corner. In my own job application process the structure, accountability, and authority she provided was invaluable. And when you consider how long and how hard you work in your job, and how much money you make, it makes sense to spend a little bit of that money, time, and effort improving your own condition for a change."

Resident Medical Officer, Canberra Hospital


“As a junior intern in a large busy Public Hospital I realised I had to start making choices if I was to become a Cardiologist with an opportunity to have a mixed appointment of Public and Private Practice. I was experiencing great stress, uncertainty, anxiety and even feeling some degree of depression with no knowing how to negotiate the path. Six weeks into my coaching I have already learnt some skills and techniques to manage and decrease my stress and anxiety. Coaching has been so worthwhile for me I realised I can believe in my own potential.”

Intern, Sydney NSW