As Benjamin Franklin said, “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail”.

This century-old quote is applicable to numerous situations in your career—which includes examination taking and preparation. This module utilizes a selection of established learning methods proven to maximize the learning and exam-taking experience. These concepts will take you through the steps you need to execute before, during, and after an examination to aid you in obtaining stellar scores that would help you advance in your career.

Upon successful completion of this module, you will be able to:
● List down SMART goals to serve as guidance in your exam preparation,
● Determine your preferred learning mode and gather ways how to study effectively based on your inclinations,
● Gain a grasp of the Pomodoro technique and create your own study plan to help you manage your time effectively,
● Appreciate the best practices and strategies to ensure optimum performance during exam day,
● Study the best practices in answering different exam formats, and
● Critically evaluate your exam preparation and taking performance through SWOT analysis and pinpoint areas for improvement.

  • ● SMART Goals and How to Set Them
    ● The VARK Model Types of Learning
    ● Best Strategies for Each Learning Mode
    ● The Pomodoro Technique and its Variations
    ● Pre-Exam Body Conditioning
    ● Best Practices on the Day of the Exam
    ○ Upon arriving at the venue/before receiving the exam questions
    ○ Upon receiving the exam
    ○ While answering the exam
    ● Strategies for Different Exam Formats
    ○ True or False
    ○ Multiple Choice
    ○ Short Answers
    ○ Essay Questions
    ■ Specific Strategies for Essay Question Keywords
    ● Post-Exam Debriefing and Evaluation through SWOT Analysis